Monday, July 2, 2018

Calm your puppy, How to prevent Lyme Disease - & Your dog won't walk?

How to get your puppy to calm down
First of all, don’t start training your puppy to be calm if he hasn’t expended some energy at playtime or on a walk!  He needs to be able to settle.  This is just one of the very practical tips in this article in “Your Dog” magazine which is a step-by-step guide to training your puppy to calm down. 
You need to place the dog’s bed or a cushion that he likes close to you.  Next you should affix a lightweight lead to the dog’s collar – not too tight as to pull him but short enough so he can’t wander off or jump up on you.  Then – ignore him.  He’ll eventually settle and when he does, give him a treat – or if he’s very food-oriented, maybe an ear rub or whatever works for him.  For more details, check out the article…


Prevent Lyme Disease in your dog
Lyme Disease is a tick-borne disease and ticks like the warm weather as much as we do!  Lyme Disease can go undetected for a long time and it can cause kidney failure and neurological complications in dogs which can be fatal.  Signs to look out for include a ‘bull’s eye’ rash, transient fever, anorexia and sometimes arthritis.  But symptoms may not materialise for some time.
So how can we prevent Lyme Disease – the answer - prevent tick bites.  Thankfully there are plenty of products which prevent ticks from biting pets and there are vaccines for dogs.  For more information, read the article here in “Modern Dog” magazine….

Does your dog refuse to walk?
We all know dogs who “put on the brakes” and dig their claws in and just plain refuse to move!  Some roll over on their back as if to say, “I’m done” and some turn around trying to rush back home? This article is aimed at those dogs!
The tips include play with your dog (ball, chasing etc), change your route, bring high value treats, bring a friend or family member and change the feeding schedule.  If the dog associates the end of the walk with getting fed, he may want to end the walk sooner!  Another good tip the author gives is when the dog stops, quickly turn and walk in the opposite direction to where you were going and then quickly turn back again.  There are also 7 tips on what to do if your dog is scared to walk…..