Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Should u neuter your dog? And Raw v Processed Food...

Should you neuter your dog?  The Pros & Cons
Dog owners can have pretty passionate opinions on whether or not to neuter their dog.  For those who aren’t sure, it’s probably not helped by the fact that there doesn’t seem to be overwhelming evidence in favour of either camp.  Some dog owners hope neutering might modify behaviour but the author of this really good feature on YourDog.co.uk doesn’t seem to think so.  They say that behaviour in entire (not neutered) male dogs in adolescence does change but they say if properly managed, testosterone-driven aggression is rare.  There are swings in testosterone levels anyway so a dog’s mood and energy can change from time to time. 
This article details the various neutering options available for male and female dogs, the health implications for neutering or not including propensity to develop tumours, urinary incontinence in neutered females, does neutering affect behaviour and more.  I was really interested to see that in Sweden routine neutering is banned.  Owners of larger or more active breeds are recommended to wait until the dog is 12-18 months old before neutering.  Personally, I’m a fan of neutering but it’s obviously up to dog owners to do what they think is best for their dog.

Raw food v processed food?
Which is best to feed your pet – raw or commercial pet food?  Pets do seem to love raw food and its purity and naturalness really appeal to some pet owners.  In this blog from Pete the Vet, he says best diet for animals is the one they thrive on.  He talks about the benefits of both raw and processed pet food and says that he looks for scientific evidence at all times. 
Processed pet food is cooked, nutritionally complete and safe.  If it says ‘complete pet food’ then it’s obliged to provide all the essential nutrients that your pet needs. Some cats can get more urinary tract infections from commercial pet food as they’re taking in less moisture – hence the advice to always have water available for your pets. 
If your pet has an allergy to an ingredient in commercial pet food, raw food may solve the problem.  However, raw food can carry bacteria - while Pete emphasises that health-related incidents are rare - he advises people to be aware of the pros and cons and health risks – both to animals and their owners – of feeding raw food. 
There can be trends in pet food – just as there are with human food – and Pete observes that some can be fads with no scientific evidence as yet to back them up e.g. grain free pet food.  But, whatever diet you choose for your pet, Pete says it should meet 3 requirements – it should be nutritionally complete, palatable (so your pet enjoys it) and, of course, it should be safe.
(photo: PetMD.com)

Preventing cancer in your pet
None of us want to think about our beloved 4-legged pals getting cancer but this article is worth reading as it lists symptoms to look out for as well as preventative measures we can take.  Cancer is the leading cause of non-accidental death in pets according to this article on PetBusiness.com.  The most common pet cancers include lymphoma, skin cancer, osteosarcoma (bone cancer), mammary gland and soft tissue sarcomas, while the most common spot to find tumours is the skin.
Symptoms we should be on alert for include swelling, lumps, rapid weight and/or appetite loss and low energy.  Preventative measures include neutering, regular check-ups with the vet, exposure to carcinogens and protection from the sun’s rays.  More info here ….

Thursday, November 1, 2018

A Dream Dog Park, how much exercise & 'leave it'

A dog’s dream park!
Having a dog park like this one in Nashville, Tennessee would be a dream come through for the dog in your life!  I know it’s my dream – to open a dog park where dogs can run free in a stimulating environment!  Just waiting for those prize bonds to do their thing!  At Bark Park in Nashville, Tennessee, dogs come first, owners second. It has a dog-centred design – built 100% for dogs.  See the pic for an example -  the table ‘legs’ are affixed to the ceiling, not the floor so dogs can wander around more easily.  And that’s the beauty of this Park – the dogs can run and play to their hearts’ content.  According to this article in Forbes, “Bark understands what physical spaces are all aboutthe social joy and memories of being somewhere and doing something, whether as humans or as furry animals.”
Dogs can have daily, monthly or seasonal membership – and can bring along a 2-legged guest!  The humans can enjoy coffee, a chat with other 2-legged visitors, beer tasting, comedians performing or a movie while their dogs have a fab time! I just love it!

How much exercise does your dog need?
Sometimes we assume that the bigger the dog, the more exercise he/she needs but that’s not the case.  The amount of exercise your dog needs depends on a number of factors including age, breed and general health.  The guidelines for puppies, for example, is 5 minutes per month of age so if your pup is 3 months old – 15 minutes a day is plenty at this stage.
Regarding dog size, smaller dogs like poodles, chihuahuas or Yorkshire terriers don’t need to be too active but nor do some very large breeds like Great Danes, Newfoundlands or Mastiffs.   Flat-nosed breeds such as pugs, bulldogs and shihtzus don’t need too intense exercise either as their breathing challenges causes them to slow down and have a more sedentary lifestyle, according to this article on dogster.com.  It also gives tips on the best places to exercise your four legged pal.

Teaching your dog to “leave it”
In this article, training your dog to ‘Leave it’ means ‘do not touch that object’.  The author uses high and low value treats – the high value is the one to be left while the low value is used as the reward.  Over a few weeks, the gap between the Leave It order and the rewarding lengthens.  Blocking is also a suggested technique – blocking the dog from the high value treat.  The author also gives 7 tips on how to translate the behaviour to the real world i.e. in different environments, when the dog is excited – though I’m not so sure about tips 5 and 6 - all I’ll say is dead animals, rabbit poo etc – you’ll have to read it to find out!!